View Profile schoolmike

Age 29, Male

Talking to SP people

High School Senior

South Park

Joined on 11/22/05

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So the original owner of this account decided to give away his password in the previous newspost, and I decided to take it over. No worries though, it's in good hands. I don't intend to do anything with it.

For those who don't know, this account used to belong to a guy who made threads whining about not being able to watch South Park because his mom blocked it, or something, and getting on everyone's nerves with his incessant whining, which you can see below (in order from most recent to the most distant past)

1. South park is still blocked! :(
2. I can't watch SP on Vacation!!!
3. I'm now seeing characters from SP.
4. I might die on December 20th 2010.
5. My mother blocked South Park!!!

His previous newsposts also contain more of the same thing. One even got to 160 comments, though a lot of that was spam.

I have cleared the block lists (both PM and commenting) and have disabled commenting on all the newsposts except this one, so if you were blocked by him, well, now you're not! I'll allow commenting on this post for now.

Anyway, this account will remain, for the most part, inactive as I don't intend to do anything with it.

ALSO READ THIS: He also apparently went spamming peoples pages and sent a few spam PM's shortly before he gave this account away. I have not commented on anyone's page nor have I spammed anyone via PM since I took over this account, so if you see a comment on your page, or s spammy South Park-related PM, it didn't come from me, but from the original owner.

but anyway, have a nice day Newgrounds.

P.S. To the original owner: I sent you a message to the e-mail address listed in your account information, so if you need to contact me, you can just reply to that message.

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